If you have a menstrual cycle, do you remember the period education you received? It’s far more likely you remember your first period itself! Despite school’s best efforts, sadly period education remains limited, non-personalised and….well, brief. The new Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) curriculum seemed so exciting but unfortunately just has one paragraph about periods (where it talks about them being confusing and alarming!):

“The onset of menstruation can be confusing or even alarming for girls if they are not prepared. Pupils should be taught key facts about the menstrual cycle including what is an average period, range of menstrual products and the implications for emotional and physical health. In addition to curriculum content, schools should also make adequate and sensitive arrangements to help girls prepare for and manage menstruation including with requests for menstrual products. Schools will need to consider the needs of their cohort of pupils in designing this content.” (RSE curriculum, p. 31)

I believe that young girls and those who experience a menstrual cycle deserve more.

They have a right to be educated, celebrated and to feel empowered as they approach this incredible rite of passage. It makes me angry that menstruation is still shrouded in stigma and shame and that we still live in a society where periods aren’t talked about as openly as they should be.

In 2012, over 3,000 women and girls were interviewed about their experiences of menstruation. 41% of 12-18 year olds disliked EVERYTHING about their period. 9% had NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING when they got their first period (About Bloody Time, Pickering & Bennett).

First Moon Circles present the perfect enhancement to period education. Whether you’re a family that is open about periods, you find it uncomfortable or you’re somewhere in between, the circles offer so much to so many.

First Moon Circles are beautiful, three hour events where girls aged between 9-13 years old come together in circle to connect, learn and explore. They are designed to educate girls about puberty and menarche and celebrate this important time. The aim is that people leave feeling prepared and POSITIVE about what is to come.

The first half of the circle is just for the children where we get to know each other, explore periods and puberty and period products (this is always a highlight of the session!). I have a huge range of period products and we talk about all the practicalities like how do you use an applicator tampon, what are period pants and what are the benefits and drawbacks of the different products? This is the part of the circle where we use my fabulous crochet vulvas to have a go and get familiar with menstrual cups, tampons, pads and period pants!

During the second half of the circle, a parent/carer joins us (typically mum but dads are more than welcome!). We explore menstrual cycle awareness, look at cycle tracking and how to take care of yourself during each phase of the cycle. We then complete a lovely craft activity together (which is always a beautiful bonding moment) and then sit down together for a delicious and healthy lunch. During this time, parents/carers share a piece of wisdom/advice they wish they’d been told at this time - the idea behind this is the passing down of generational wisdom and knowledge (the ‘red thread’). We liaise about this beforehand so you can be prepared for this moment.

Circles last for three hours and are for between 4-5 girls. I have a venue in Crowborough, East Sussex and am also able to offer the circles in any location that suits you (I have delivered them in people’s homes before) or online. You can get a group together for a circle, or check my website for upcoming dates.